A few family and artistic photos of our camping trip.

Our campground with my mom on the left, Grandma, Grandpa, and dad. It was actually pretty dark when I took the picture so I made them hold still for about 3 seconds.

That's my mom taking our puppy for a walk on a bike path that went around the lake. We tried the path the day before but we got rained out.

A photo of Mt. Theilson with the lake and flowers in the foreground. Unfortunately the darkness of the flowers made the sky appear very bright.

That's my mom holding Sierra, my dad, and my taking a picture.

My sister, mom, and puppy heading up the path.

Here's a very pretty shot of Mt. Teilson from the south side of the lake. That's fog going over the top of the mt.

My sister and puppy again, enjoying the warm sun after a freezing morning.

Yet another photo of Mt. Theilson. This one was taken through a hole in a nearby mountain, elev. 8,000 ft. My camera jammed and wouldn't close for a while because of a piece of granite stuck in the latch.

A friend of mine, Katy and my mom on our way up to the top of Mt. Theilson.

This is my mom calling my dad on the radio. THose are big glacier carved spires in the background. On our way up we saw another party coming down with a guy who had to be in his 90's. I thought it was amazing.

Here is Chris, a guy we met on the way up standing at the very top of the mountain. The last 100 ft is vertical rockclimbing but ropes aren't essential. One of the boulders on top actually turned to glass because it was struck by lightning so much.

Another shot from the top with Katy in the foreground looking over the lake to the mountain I climbed earlier. If you look really close, you can see the hole that I took the picture from.....just kidding:)

Chris coiling up the rope after we came down. I love the contrast and the angles.